EasyTac downloader

The easy-to-use, low-cost software for downloading, viewing and reporting digital tachograph data.

  • No ongoing charges.
  • Unlimited drivers and vehicles.
  • Free technical support.
  • Supports latest Smart 2 tachographs.

EasyTac downloader

Designed to assist transport operators in meeting the essential requirements of digital tachograph legislation, including use of Smart 2 (Gen 2.2) tachographs.

Easy to use, with a simple user interface

View, analyse and print both driver and vehicle activity reports

Automatic visual reminders for when to download

Create familiar analogue-style tachograph timelines

Back-up, export & email transfer your data

Highlights overspeeds, events and faults

Supports an unlimited number of drivers and vehicles

No ongoing charges & free technical support

How does EasyTac work?

Simply insert your driver’s card into the reader, and click ‘Download Card’. Data is then read and stored in tamper-proof files that conform to the European and UK standards required. These data files can be saved on the PC itself, on the EasyTac USB stick, or to your network.

Once your data is downloaded, you can view and print flexible reports, including detailed activities and daily summaries. Vehicle unit (VU) data can also be downloaded from appropriate download devices.


EasyTac downloader enables you to…


Meet the minimum legal requirements for downloading digital tachograph data.

EasyTac downloader reads data from drivers’ smartcards and stores it in the standard file format required under EU and UK law. You simply need to ensure that you download data from each driver’s card once every 3-4 weeks. The software also aids downloading from vehicle unit (VU) download devices.


View, analyse and print activity reports.

After the download process, you can use the reporting functions to identify the dates where activity data has been read, and display and/or print the detailed activity data as well as a daily summary of the hours spent on each shift.


Manage, back-up and forward your stored data.

Files are automatically stored in a configurable location using a simple-to-understand file naming convention. You can change this location so that it is on either a local drive or a network. The files are also freely accessible in case they need to be forwarded by email. A feature to back these files up is also included.


Print analogue-style tachograph timelines and export your data.

A printed timeline report includes daily graphical representations for the driver activities. You can also export report data into other programs.


Re-analyse previous downloads.

Files previously stored by EasyTac downloader can be re-opened at any time for further analysis and reporting. Standard-format files downloaded by other software applications can also be imported and analysed if required.

Some typical EasyTac downloader screenshots

View detailed vehicle unit activity data

Create daily graphical timelines for drivers and vehicles

Calculate activity summary tables by shift or day

Read and store your vehicle unit data

Simple reminders for when to download driver’s cards

See stored activity data and distances for any dates

EasyTac – tacho data download overview

Download the EasyTac product overview leaflet